Me at the river

About Me

Hi! I’m Alicia and I’m so happy you’re here. Really! Because if you’ve come to my website, that means that you are actively taking steps to improve and work towards a healthier state of mental well being. Seriously, good for you.

I’m a proud wife and mother of two. I live in a tiny town surrounded by mountains, rivers, and lakes and the views are just stunning. I love to write, play piano, garden, paint and do graphic design, but my favorite thing in the world is spending quality time with my love and, of course, my little loves.

As I have worked to improve my own mental health, I have become passionate about sharing what I know and techniques to help others. I’m actually a pretty private person, but I felt that it was time to open up and start my blog, so let’s talk about the hard stuff because that’s important too.

Now, just know that this is hard for me; at least the parts of my blog where I really open up about my own mental illness(es) and the experiences I’ve had. It leaves me vulnerable and I’m nervous for any backlash I’ll receive but I’ve felt for a long time now that I need to do this. So, *deep breath*, here it goes.

I’m bipolar. I’ve dealt with depression on and off since I was a preteen. I’ve had debilitating anxiety and obsessive worst-case-scenario thoughts. I’ve fought with suicidal ideation. I have seen many professionals for counsel and guidance in navigating through my darkness.

Just because I write about living a more positive lifestyle does not mean that I am perfect. I struggle. I stress. I have my break downs. But I try to see these struggles as opportunities to grow. To prove to myself that I can overcome. These issues, as hard as they are, have forced me to find ways to cope and find joy in this life.

That is why I’m here. I want to share what I’ve found that helps me live a more peaceful, joyful life and  what helps me cope and even thrive with mental illness.

I want to open dialog about the ugly. Let’s talk about it. Let’s come to understand and find comfort in knowing that no matter what is going on in our lives and inside our heads, it will be okay. As lonely as these hardships make us feel, we are not alone. We are fighters. We are strong. We can do this. These things need to be talked about. So let’s get started. Let’s find a healthier, happier you.